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The Journey of Indian financial markets & An Entry to Stock Markets

Ramanjeet Mohanty
November 07, 2020
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When we talk about Indian financial markets, we have to go back to the era when India was regulated and ruled by kings.

Yes, I am talking about ancient India: - "THE BHARAT"

During that time India was fully dependent on the system of barter payments, "Means exchange of Goods for goods".

For example - Mr. Ram has 10 Kg of Rice and Mr. Shyam has 8Kg of Wheat, and Ram needed Wheat and Shyam needed Rice. So, to purchase and fulfill their needs, they both used to exchange a part of their goods in exchange for the needed goods or products.

This process was going on until the exchange of goods with goods was replaced by the exchange of goods for Money.

India has always been in a commanding position when it comes to keeping records of the transactions or saving and investing the money. Kings that time used to keep the records of the transaction with the help of an accountant whom they nicknamed as "Master".

Even Chanakya wrote a manuscript named Arthashasthra, a well-renowned treatise on statecraft, economic policy, and military strategy during the Mauryan period. In these books, he gave a detailed insight into how can one efficiently maintain the books of accounts of Sovereign.

As Time passed by humans evolved intellectually in the field of finance.

Indian financial system is currently one of the biggest and fastest-growing industry in the world, with a big menu of financial products more people are now investing rather than saving. India has also successfully brought itself into a leading position in the world of capital markets.

India is one of the leading counties in terms of investing and in the MCX index (Multi Commodity Index) and posses one of the most liquid markets in the world.

India has a huge potential to vertically rise shortly as till now only 3% of the total population are in capital markets. Yes, that’s true whereas all the developed countries have more than 30% of their total population into capital markets.

We have one of the biggest banks of the world in terms of Total assets that is SBI (State Bank of India) and there are as many as 34 recognized banks in India (22 Private and 12 Public banks). There are a whopping Rs 123 trillion deposits are with all these 34 Banks in FY 2019 isn’t it something really big?

The glorious future of India’s growth story majorly lies with it’s capital system.

According to Finocontrol in the next 5 years, India will have more than 10% of the total population into Capital markets. So this is the time and opportunity to invest in the future and fly with the growth story of India.



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